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Holistic Birth Counseling  

These sessions are powerful and help you reframe a past medical challenge, prior birth experience, or other physical or emotional challenge that has left you feeling disempowered, misunderstood, not heard, and disconnected from your baby.  Counseling also helps you to identify and move through fears about pregnancy, labor, birth, or mothering. Unresolved fears will resurface during labor or post- partum, and birth counseling is a perfect way to clear them.

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TOLAC/VBAC (trial of labor after cesarean/vaginal birth after cesarean) Counseling

You bring your medical records and operative report, and we will have a thorough, detailed, heart to heart talk about your prior cesarean section. We reframe the events leading up to it, review your medical chart, and implement how we can make changes for your upcoming TOLAC (trial of labor after cesarean /VBAC if it is medically appropriate. We create a realistic and heart warming vision for your VBAC. 


Prenatal Nutrition and Wellness Education and Counseling

​This session helps you take a good look at what you are eating for yourself and your baby. 


"What are you eating?" is "The Most" Important question this midwife can ask you for continued pregnancy wellness! You fill in a nutrition diary and we “tweak” to find balance in your comfort foods. 


Wellness topics include exercise, lifestyle changes, emotional and physical changes, family dynamics, preparing for natural childbirth and preparing for a Cesarean birth, integration of older siblings, breastfeeding, prior post-partum difficulties or trauma, current issues or concerns, provider search, and how to meet your personal birthing and post-patum goals.

             Conscious Conception Counseling 

I believe this is the most important visit you can have,as your journey begins when you decide you want to conceive. This session enables you to plan your conception by looking at your nutrition, lifestyle, and medical and reproductive history to make positive changes to maximize your health prior to getting pregnant. This session is for all kinds of conception including IVF and IUI!


"I am so thankful to have found Risa to help my husband and I during this journey. During my conscious conception visit we were able to talk about ways to improve my lifestyle to help with my fertility. I had the opportunity to learn about things to avoid, I would have never would have thought of on my own. Risa does not just focus on one aspect of fertility as she explores every part of your lifestyle and thinking to prepare you. Throughout my visit I felt listened too and excited for the journey ahead!" Vanessa

© 2023 by Risa Klein

Risa Klein, CNM

Manhattan Midwife

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